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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Creating Money Out of Nothing!

DISCLAIMER: I am not a student in economics, neither do I profess to know anything about credit, debit, contracts, foreclosure, currency rates, stocks, bonds etc. This blog post only documents the stuff I have learnt from some videos and it might be instructional to ignorants like me.

Let me start with the question: What is Money?

Well in the old days of the barter system, anything you had which was in demand by other people constituted money eg. if you had wheat, it represented money. Then in the times of kings and queens, gold represented money. Why? Because all knew how hard it is to mine gold and thus it was valuable.

What is money today?

It is paper. I will tell you a story before illustrating how stupid this concept of money is.

One of my early childhood memory is: One day while I was doing shopping with my mama, I saw, that while the doodhwala(milkman) gave huge amount of milk(it was hard to carry, I tried!) and lots of notes and lot of coins, my mama gave him just one single note. I remarked to everybody after coming home, that our doodhwala is stupid. And they laughed and explained to me the concept of money. They explained that the same amount of paper can represent different values of money. Now when that notion was disturbing and counter-intuitive to even a child, why is it not disturbing to all of us. (It was disturbing to me because I still did not know how to print numbers on paper)

A person who claims himself to be authority can start cutting trees, making paper, put random values on it and then distribute it to people in return for some of their goods. Or if they have nothing to give in return, this benevolent person can give them this paper for free! Only if they promise to return it back to him some time later, but with interest i.e. more paper. Its only fair they say, because you got the money for free! Though they forget, that there is only one person making money the whole time. So if I borrow money from him and keep it safe, I will need to steal someone else money to pay back the interest and the original amount. If I fail, I will need to give my lands to the benevolent person and work for him for the rest of my life.

One might argue that cutting trees and making paper is hard work too. Well, that is true, but since that person can put any ridiculously high value on the paper, he can cheat you into giving more goods to him. Remember the story. And moreover, in today’s digital world, you don’t even need paper, since today almost 97% of the total money resides in computers! So, all in all, with the invention of computers, this seemingly benevolent person who distributes money to all the needy people just needs to type it all in his computers. Hard work indeed!

Now, you might want to know, who is this lucky person. A person who creates money by typing. Well that lucky person is your friendly neighbourhood international bank. They distribute money to the governments, large corporations and in turn people frequently for free! And when those people are not able to give back the original sum along with some more(remember interest), since they were not able to steal enough, bank takes away their lands and turn them into slaves(means they are bankrupt or more appropriately robbed by banks). They call this: “The Fractional Reserve Banking System”.

To summarize, I will leave you with this staggering ironic thought:

If all the people on this planet paid off every single dollar they owe to the banks, there would be no money left in circulation on this planet.


  1. kya bakwaas hai yaar. koi machine thodi hai ki jitnay chahe chhap do.

  2. Thats the beauty of it. You think they cannot, but they can. It will only dilute the value of the money in circulation(inflation), which essentially means that they have taken your hard work.
    So for instance you had 100 bucks and you could buy 100 candies with it today, tomorrow you can only buy 50 candies from it. Where did your potential 50 candies go? To the banks of-course.

  3. Anonymous11:11 pm

    watch zeitgeist addendum

  4. That's a nice review of the major chunk of Zeitgeist addendum:)Also a good watch is The corporation, a documentary that looks at the concept of the corporation throughout recent history up to its present-day dominance.

  5. Yes most of it is inspired by Zeitgeist and some other videos I watched regarding credit crunch by some professor looking guy.

    I will watch Corporation.

  6. Well, I would say, "Total Crap"
    Deepank, whats happening to the quality of your posts dude, this is silly mathematics converted into words.

  7. Hey I am sorry you didn't like it, but this silly mathematics always eluded me till now... and i still think it is amazing and totally unfair, whatever you might say :)

  8. Anonymous8:49 am

    this is perfectly fair , legitimate and by design....

    u just summarized the fundamentals of the modern economic system! (the same one that's sustaining u, that paid ur way thru life, n helped pay for ur existence till now.) =)

    [ps- it is unfair to say the banks have no risk factor in this tho. nationality oriented banks, n also international banks, r at the end of the day subject to the whims of popularly elected governments. so, they r always at the receiving end of public dissatisfaction.] {AN ADDITIONAL PPOINT TO NOTE}

  9. Anonymous9:55 pm

    well just one more fact
    the total market capitalization of all the companies is 6 times the total money in circulation!!!
    so were's the money ------paper.....n no one lost the liquid money in this present credit crisis , its only the speculation which rose the money on paper of land and other asset and its the same paper that's worth less than half of what it was 8 months bck..!

  10. Weird post !

    Just to let you in on some facts (havent read ur whole post but i think i got the gist) :

    Govts/People just cant print money :

    2 reasons:

    1. Bullion valuation - For the amount of money in circulation, govts.must have equivalent value of gold with them. Hence no one cant print as much money as possible.

    2. As you yourself said the more money in the system, more is the dilution of its value.

  11. Economics and Business is more of common sense converted to complex theories which change over time just like Science.

    As Arthur C. Clarke says
    "Any sufficiently advanced science is indistinguishable from magic"

    So calling all of this silly mathematics might be oversimplifying things or maybe its just that someone is not interested or amused by any of it.

    I must suggest better sources than documentaries such Zeitgeist or Corporation which though at times accurate tend to over-do things the way any conspiracy theory-esque documentary tends to go overboard :)
    Books maybe.Evaluating yourself failed and new theories of Economics might be a good start :)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I realised that my previous comment was too long and mostly offtopic, so i'll post a short n sweet one.

    Firstly, I agree with sid.

    Secondly, I didn't understand the last line of ur post.

  14. Last line is not mine, but I am quoting some big-wig(read chairman or something) of federal reserve bank of US.

    Essentially since money gets created out of need, i.e., it gets created when somebody goes to the bank asking for loan, every dollar on this planet is a debt. So , if every govt, paid off every dollar of their debt to the bank, there will be no money on the planet.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Oh, forgot to mention, I agree with the first sentence of Sid's comment.

    The second statement is outdated.

    The governments CAN print as much money as they want.

    Bullion valuation (formally called Gold standard) is not practiced by any nation anymore.

    Fiat standard is the new thing, in which the government can print as much money as they want. I'm sure everyone's heard abt whats happened with Zimbabwe's currency.

    Printing money does not create value nor does taking loans.
    Printing money rather devaluates the currency - resulting in inflation, as you had correctly said in your post.
    Taking a loan is exchanging value.
